Your Account

You will need to create an account prior to posting to this calendar.

If you already have an account please use the option "I already have an account and would like to log in". If you do not have an account please use the option "I do not have an account and would like to create one".

Criteria for posting to the community calendar

The purpose of the City’s online calendar is to inform the public about upcoming events in our community and to provide an opportunity to promote community meetings and events.

Residents and organizations may submit event information to be posted on the community event calendar on the City’s website if the event is open to the general public, occurs within the City of Peterborough and meets one of the following criteria:

  • Organized or funded by another order of government
  • Organized by a government-funded agency or board
  • Organized by a City of Peterborough affiliated group
  • Organized by an organization identified as eligible for a City of Peterborough community grant
  • Funded in full or in part by the City of Peterborough
  • Sponsored by the City of Peterborough
  • Organized by a charitable organization with a registered charitable number and operating within the City of Peterborough
  • Organized by a service club operating within the City of Peterborough performing work that benefits Peterborough residents
  • Organized by a business improvement area
  • Located in a facility owned or leased by the City of Peterborough

Events submitted by the public will not be published on the community calendar on the City’s website if they:

  • Are commercial in nature and, in the City’s sole opinion, are attempting to advertise, promote, or sell products or services of an individual or an individual business
  • Promote, exhibit, illustrate or manifest hate or obscene/pornographic/sexual content of any kind
  • Do not comply with municipal, provincial or federal legislation
  • Promote an individual religion or religious service

The City reserves the right to accept or reject a request to publish information to the public calendar. The City reserves the right to edit a message or category for grammar and clarity and the right to deny submissions or remove submissions at any time and at its sole discretion. The City reserves the right to revise the calendar criteria at any time.